Photo © Norman Winter

Metzneria neuropterella

Checklist Number
35.054 [B&F: 0727]

Record will require further evidence, at least a good photograph, unless CMR is aware recorder has confidence in identification


Authority:(Zeller, 1839)

Vulnerable (proposed as a future Red Data Book species) on downland in parts of south-eastern England, as far west as Dorset. Records from other counties are probably based on misidentification of M. aprilella, which was not recognised as British until 1981 (MBGBI Vol 4 part 2). In Hampshire recorded just once, at Micheldever Spoil Heaps in 1971. Not recorded from the Isle of Wight to date. Wingspan 14-24 mm. The most likely confusion species is M. aprilella, which see for differences. Larva feeds within seedheads of Dwarf Thistle, over-wintering in a silken chamber.

VC12 North Hampshire

Site Date Quantity Recorder Stage
Micheldever (SU54)1971-D W H Ffennell-