Photo © Nick Montegriffo

Pearl-bordered Fritillary

Boloria euphrosyne

Checklist Number
59.014 [B&F: 1601]

Record will be accepted (subject to date and location checks)


Authority:(Linnaeus, 1758)

Once common and widespread, now one of our most-threatened species due in the main to habitat loss through the cessation of coppicing which resulted in the loss of suitable habitat: the larva depends on Common Dog-violet and Marsh Violet growing in open, sunny woodland clearings. Conservation efforts are therefore focused on habitat restoration which have been successful on a relatively small scale. It still remains on the critical list, with a 95% decline in distribution over the past half century and will continue to be a priority species for conservation.

In Hampshire can still be found at Stockbridge Down, Bentley Wood and in scattered localities in the New Forest, but appears to have gone from Botley Wood, and on the Isle of Wight not seen in Parkhurst Forest since 2011. Wingspan 44-47 mm. Best distinguished from Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary by pattern on underside of the hindwing.