Nationally scarce (Na) on rough grassland in southern England, from Dorset eastwards, as far north as Worcestershire and Cambridgeshire; apparently absent from the Midlands, but occurring again from Cheshire northwards to Northumberland; in Wales it has been recorded from Pembrokeshire and Monmouthshire (MBGBI Vol 4 part 1), a priority species under the UK Biodiversity Action. In Hampshire the foodplant of this species is local and decreasing and the moth is correspondingly extremely rare; it has been recorded in the past from Botley Wood (1990), Needs Ore (1985) and Cranmore (1981). Not recorded from the Isle of Wight since 1969. Wingspan 18-21 mm. The most likely confusion species is
A. scopariella, which see for differences. Larva feeds on Dyer's Greenweed, living within a spun or rolled leaf.