Photo © Mike Wall

Apodia martinii

Checklist Number
35.060 [B&F: 0730]

Record will normally be accepted but photo evidence may be required - check with CMR if not sure of identity


Authority:Petry, 1911

Local in damp meadows, open downland and saltmarshes throughout much of England and Wales. In Hampshire mainly confined to the south-east, very rare elsewhere in the county and on the Isle of Wight. Wingspan 9-12 mm. Flies in late afternoon. Characterised by a ferruginous-orange streak at tornus and outwardly oblique streak beyond on costa, often connected by scales of similar colour forming a Z-shaped fascia (MBGBI Vol 4 part 2), but these markings are sometimes obscure, in which case identification is possible only by dissection of the genitalia. Larva feeds within seedheads of Common Fleabane, Ploughman's-spikenard and Sea Aster.